In The Beginning (1969-1972)

In The Beginning (1969-1972)

The publishing underground rises up, slaps on a backstage pass and the world feels the first ripples of the what happens when you give hippies electric typewriters and free records....

In The Beginning (1969-1972)

The publishing underground rises up, slaps on a backstage pass and the world feels the first ripples of the what happens when you give hippies electric typewriters and free records....

The Golden Years (1973-1978)

The Golden Years (1973-1978)

It was the dawn of a new era, and CREEM became the rock and roll bible of little booger-eating twerps everywhere.

The Golden Years (1973-1978)

It was the dawn of a new era, and CREEM became the rock and roll bible of little booger-eating twerps everywhere.

The New Wave (1979-1986)

The New Wave (1979-1986)

After the departure of Bangs, Uhelszki and Marsh, Susan Whitall keeps the punk rock flame burning bright.

The New Wave (1979-1986)

After the departure of Bangs, Uhelszki and Marsh, Susan Whitall keeps the punk rock flame burning bright.